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Stories of hope and resilience, Share yours.
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Dec 7, 20209 min read
Virtue Above All Else
With a straight face my mother replied, “It would have been better if you had let me die.”
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Nov 9, 20207 min read
In the Suffering: A COVID-19 Story
And for a month, my heart was as empty as my home. I locked myself in my room and stared at the wall, wondering if, within the details

Oct 16, 20207 min read
A Tale of Survival: A COVID-19 Story
We spoke with my father on the phone right before he was put on a ventilator. My heart broke as I apologized to him that I couldn’t take

May 5, 20208 min read
On My Own: A COVID-19 Story
I worked hard to stop the well of tears about to gush out of me. I bit my lip to choke down the sob threatening to escape from my throat...

Aug 29, 20187 min read
A Battle Within Myself
It’s a late night under an inky sky as I walk across campus from the theatre back to my apartment. The chilly night air rustles past me...

Aug 28, 20186 min read
A Spirit of Survival
I learned what it meant to survive at a young age. I waited patiently for my father to escape death, and from then on, I was determined...

Aug 24, 20188 min read
A Reminder to Live
We were a short 10-minute drive away from the bustling capital city of Kuala Lumpur. Our backyard opened to lush green jungle that...

Aug 1, 20189 min read
Free from the Inside
As the youngest and only girl in my family, I was spoiled a lot and had tons of fun when I was little. I remember coming down the stairs...

Dec 21, 20174 min read
When Everything Falls on You
Even though my parents got divorced when I was in kindergarten, they ended on such good terms that there was not too much struggle for me...
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